


12:00 PM EST

Legacy Park, Decatur, GA (virtual and recorded options available)

GIPL and Southface

Session 4: Georgia Power Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) 2025: Renewable Energy and Transmission Planning

Southface and Georgia Interfaith Power & Light (GIPL) will be hosting a six-part training and roundtable discussion over the next 6 months, in preparation for the 2025 Georgia Power Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) – the utility’s 20-year energy resource plan.

You are invited to join us for these sessions, which are designed to prepare both newcomers and veterans for engaging in the 2025 IRP proceedings. This session will review Georgia Power solar procurement programs and explore the utility’s solar valuation in system planning, alongside a targeted discussion of the importance of transmission planning in the IRP and its impact on the expansion of renewable energy. Sessions are held monthly. 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. with lunch at 11:30 a.m.